Saturday, January 27, 2007

welcome to athens/

dv and i got here separately yesterday. i'm sitting in the lobby of the hotel sipping hampton inn coffee, cell phone on the armchair of the loveseat. david and diana looked at real estate to no great shakes, while i worked a full day and then hightailed it to exchange cars at the volvo/honda dealership for maintenance and on to I20.

i got here before 6:30, met david at the hilltop near our hotel, and we proceeded after a glass of wine to our fave hangout, the bar at 5 & 10. we waited for diana a little, but only a little, because she had had an early dinner with mommom and relatives and was to call us when she was done.

after having an arugula salad (yeah, the same one we had with e last time, with dates shaved celery), then roasted squash soup and then a great pasta with wild mushrooms and basil, we headed to the hotel ranch. where diana finally called. she had taken mommom home, and mommom wanted to talk, so she listened.

god bless her. them. us.

diana had cortona ppl in town so though she was glad to meet us somewhere, i had just washed my face and begged off, till breakfast. which we've already had.

so another day. june wants to have lunch at one, and cortona exhibit is at 3.

more later.

guess e still doesn't have internet access. maybe we'll find something to buy but it doesn't look hopeful unless there's an insider giving us a lead.

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