Saturday, February 10, 2007

early valentine

i have an early valentine today. as he is getting ready, i anxiously look for the email that gives me the password to make a call to e's new ethiopian cell phone.

to no avail.

and i can't remember what the provider she directed me to is. ahhhhhh dern.

we need to get hold of diana to see her on the way to or fro atlanta. i have three pairs of her shoes and two tops, and she, or actually the hampton inn, has two fine pillows that we miss.

so we will be headed for parts west of augusta in a shake.

i see that e is on errands, with jodi i presume.

we went to bistro at our usual five ish gathering, and ended up having dinner that david n prepared at their house. yum: steak on cheese grits and spinach. i brought a quickie dessert: cherry chocolate ice cream with candied orange peel and pistachios. and a biscotti.

they are friends and we are lucky.

so a-shopping we will go, to lenox/phipps and then dining out. meeting angie and teri (maybe) for lunch. we gotta get outta here!

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