Sunday, March 11, 2007

all right already

dear ones,

perhaps it is slack to not blog.

dv and i watched the last third of the african queen last night eating dinner, and then stayed tuned for the next movie which was breakfast at tiffany's.

neither of us remembered the african queen plot, so it was especially interesting. dv hadn't seen breakfast at tif so it was new for him. i had forgotten just how wild the party at holly's really was. and i think i rented it for diana and heather when they were little. i sure hope most of it was over their heads. however, plainly the cigarettes were not over their heads as they both smoked as if it's cute, attractive and harmless.

YESTERDAY, along that vein, we watched "an inconvenient truth" and i learned - though perhaps david knew, likely even - that al gore's father's farm was a tobacco farm in carthage tennessee (this david absolutely knew, and it was less than ten miles from david's uncle's tobacco farm where he spent summers cutting and putting up tobacco and IT WAS THE HARDEST WORK HE'S DONE) and his only sibling, his older sister, died of lung cancer.

we are leaving now so posting will be later.


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