Sunday, March 18, 2007

how many food groups does this have?

david to me as we have brunch from a casserole out of the oven.

this morning, we slept in. we went to laurie's and played poker last night, had too many cookies (to my utter chagrine, but the beer pre-parade at the sports bar ruined my resolve. i'm back on the wagon now) so we were lethargic and i believe they contributed to my dream creativity.

numerous iterations of the same thing: riding in a cart along treacherous roads under construction or just out of commission due to war, inattention, and/or natural forces.

the first dream, i'm a passenger in the back of the cart. the cart approaches a very steep path on a narrow strip of land with treacherous drops on either side of the path to abyss below. there is a crowd of people helping the cart on the sides of the cart, outside. the cart gets on a track and the cart labors up the incline as a rollcoaster ride would, slowly approaching the top and lingering at the apex. then, thankfully, the ride down the incline is measured.

then i'm in the front seat but there is another person in charge, and i have a better look at how the ride is propelled - as an observer. the driver has a large open spoked wheel that is connected to the drive train and he is using his own strength to move the cart along this path, sort of ladder-like. his feet are doing something too, sort of fred flintstone style, except more complex.

next time (and there are dreams in between each of these sequences about generals and girl scouts, and i am the chief of staff of the top general) i am the driver. this is by far the scariest sequence. i am alone. like when i have to remove my wedding rings after the sharp broken casserole had thoroughly sliced my finger, i am not looking forward to the ride but i know it must be done.

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