Monday, April 30, 2007

do you have any idea?

how often i check the lovie blogs?

it's like, no, it's NOT a disease. it's an ease. no dis.

yes i do so understand it takes hours to devote to posting a blog in addis. dang, i barely got online while i was there.

and yes i do so understand that while you are in college, and a senior who's also a junior, there are many other fish to fry, thank you v much.

just so you know, ladies, you are my heart. s.

and david doesn't have a blog, so i look for chattability and slo-mo email from mehico. mahn.

i just got back from lev dinner, which was really - surprise - it didn't exactly ROCK, but comparatively, it was entertaining.

first of all, it's the first lev dinner i've attended at someone's home. which was nice. it was at monique lentz'. i brought something. anything. i had about 30 minutes and thought of going to publix for flowers, but opted for scouring the yard and came up with a nosegay of rosebuds and confederate roses.

so that was a decent idea. i talked to monique for a good while, a couple of times. DO YOU KNOW that her mother is from Marianna, Florida? Yes! The very place, in the panhandle above Destin, where i resolve every time i drive through that if i ever am in a witness protection program, to which i will surreptitiously move? just go there, if you don't remember. it's slow and pretty and lovely. doesn't feel hoity-toity, but definitely florida, and definitely southern, kinda quaisi-georgian.

the den is where i chose to sit, dinner in lap, alone. the tables in the dining room and in the kitchen were full, and i was attracted to the marilyn monroe in her white skirt hanging on the wall. i love marilyn.

after i learned of the Marianna connection, i got a word in edgewise (monique is a talker, would you like to go to disneyworld? i can tell you it is a place i might now return based on our conversation, or her dissertation, however you'd like to describe it) and mentioned marilyn.

she said that hillary did that work when she was a sophomore at prep. ("let's gooo, preeeeeep!" comes to mind immediately)

oh well. so. monique suggested that elizabeth go to emory for a phD. but she was 32 when she started or became, no, i'm sure it was started, med school. but she can do so much more with a phD.

okay. so. the next time at home we meet will be aug 20 at 2725 ww.

mais bien sur!

oh and i talked about africa, and that may indeed be a sunday school topic in a few months.

maybe good shepherd can have a medical team.

one can dream.

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