Saturday, February 02, 2008

people of the lie: the hope for healing...


A. Does dvl exist?
George and Charlene: tentatively
Reality of benign spirit, God
Reality of human evil
99% psychiatrists and most clergy do not believe in evil spirits
Literature often poor
Thoughtful writers state genuine possession is very rare
Two cases, few details
Malachi Martin's "Hostage to the Dvl"

B. Delta (Exorcism: Psychotherapy)
1. Conceptual frames of ref of Xianity and psychoanalysis
2. Use of power radically different
a. restraint of patient
b. teams used in exorcism
c. length of time for patient: "surgery" vs treatment
d. God and love
e. intensity
invasion, "rape", brainwashing
f. written informed consent
loss of freedom
appointed guardian's consent possibly (but impractical and improbable)
g. safeguards against power
1. videotape
2. authorization
3. love
h. possible failure (undocumented here)
1. strength of demon vs. person or team
2. will of person
i. risks
1. failure sickens person more
2. death
3. psychological effects on team and person

C. Diagnosis and Treatment
1. Diagnosis
a.Mental illness always present
Depression, hysteria...
b. Loneliness
c. Voices (after exorcism, gradually leave)
d. Victims of human evil
e. Deep hurt from those in guise of church with minor support from church
f. Struggle: best interests not being served; "partial" possession
g. Multiple personality disorder versus possession
h. Age of possession young
i. Potentially holy personalities?
2. Treatment
a. Deliverance. charismatic.
b. Evaluation
Stage 1: Pretense
Partial Penetration of pretense
c. Exorcism
Prayer. Ritual. Silence.
Emergence of demon: facial expressions, words, tones.
Expulsion: prayer, prayer, prayer. Crucifix. Free will necessary.
d. Continued psychoanalysis. Core personality is age of first possession.
3. Team
Victim's first true community.

"I suspect that when seven to ten people gather together at personal risk, motivated by love and healing, God will be there (as His Son assured He would) and that healing will occur" 199

D. Research and teaching

E. The Father of the Lie
Lucifer: Light Bearer. spiritual growth of humans through testing and temptation.
satan: Greek, adversary
devil and diabolic: Greek, "diabalein," to oppose.
God sent Christ to be an example of love and to teach love, more than test, superceding Lucifer; Antichrist.
God creates, not destroys. Free will (and sin?) are the price of love.
Satan has no power except in a human body
Only power is through belief in its lies.

Which reminds me of Glinda's words to the Wicked Witch of the West: "Ha ha ha ha ha! You have no power here. Begone! Before someone drops a house on you."

I am deeply intrigued with this book. Less interested (at least initially!) in possession and exorcism, but drawn to the title. Lies. and healing thereof.

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