Thursday, February 01, 2007

so much

to do today.

led morning prayer at seven, going to Hillcrest Baptist church after lunch with fellow Rotarians at Villa Europa to work the spaghetti supper to give a graduate of youth challenge academy in augusta as big a check as we can scrounge.

then i'll hie meself to education for ministry class, takeout spaghetti dinners in hand since i have snack duty today.

my chapter is abt paul, overview of the letters and the man. harriet deas gave me a book on paul by en wilson which is fascinating and gives a really good historical perspective. started with nero, and the first chapter was not one to speed read.

went to a funeral at the church yesterday for a retired priest. he died the same day that the former mayor died. former mayor's funeral is friday.

this weekend, we're having two couples over for dinner saturday, going to another couple's friday night for a drink before first friday which we are unlikely to attend, i have duty at church saturday afternoon to help with interfaith hospitality, and sunday is...........superbowl somewhere.

i wish elizabeth and daniel could email or post. i miss hearing from them. not a complaint, just a comment. i wonder. i pray for them.

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