Saturday, February 03, 2007


first: thursday didn't work out as i had planned exactly. well, close. i did manage to take spaghetti to efm, but i dropped it and returned to the dinner. just in time to do almost nothing because it had broken up and the last of the chairs were being put back up on the tables. quite exhausting, but mary's efforts (as the chair) garnered over $2000.

at five yesterday, we started with two glasses of wine at the bar at the bistro with mary and tim, and then travelled downtown to telfair to an intimate first friday gathering of mary ann and david penix. their offices are downstairs and their home is upstairs in a building that has surely been there over 120 years.

we wandered around the rooms and david settled in the living room as i was chatting with someone in the dining room. soon i wandered in to join david and realized erick montgomery (historic augusta exec) was there. i foggily remembered when i moved to augusta that someone...perhaps bryan haltermann...had introduced me to him regarding the crawfords. indeed, his wife is a direct descendant of george crawford, and my great great grandmother's father Captain Joel was George's uncle. so we resolved to have lunch with mom who is the keeper on our family recollections.

after a single glass of wine there we went to french market grill for dinner. our true aim was to garner passes to the fmg mardi gras party. which we obtained!

and today we're having two couples for dinner, tomorrow we're going to david and karin's for a super bowl pah-tay.

daniel collins is online as i write, hopefully blogging his pea picking heart out. as he said: tee hee.

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